Delahunt is the latest addition to Camden Street, which is quickly developing into a restaurant hub, as operators start to flee from the eye watering rents of the the hipster triangle.
Read MoreLatest from the Blog
Memorable Meals - Part 2
No doubt you've all been on tenterhooks awaiting my top two most memorable meals, so here goes!
Read MoreMemorables Meals - Part 1
What makes a meal memorable? I've pondered this question for years and have yet to come up with a definitive answer
Read MoreOnward and Upward from 2014
When we look back at 2014 in years to come, I think it will be regarded as the year which signaled the beginning of the recovery for the restaurant industry in Ireland.
Read MoreThe Changing Face of Sunday Dining
Dublin city centre has witnessed a seismic shift in the habits of Sunday diners over the last 10 years....
Read MoreWe need to talk about fraud
It's an awkward subject that few people like to think or talk about but, if you operate a business, it is essential that you do.
Read MoreThe facts about restaurant no-shows
I started working in a restaurant at weekends and school holidays when I was 15 years old. It may come as a surprise to some given my *ahem* youthful appearance, that this was all of 27 years ago!
Read MoreBloggers ; No rights without responsibility
My last post seems to have upset a few people. I received a lot of emails and messages about it, many of them from bloggers. They ranged from mildly miffed to incandescent with rage, the majority falling somewhere in between.
Read MoreEveryone's a Restaurant Critic...
It would appear these days that no matter where you are in Ireland, if you throw a stone, you'll hit a restaurant critic. The spawning of myriad blogs and review sites has meant every man and his dog now has an opinion, and isn't afraid to use it. I say this without any hint of irony!
Read MoreBuying smart is key to success for restaurants
Back in 2002 I was appointed financial controller of a medium sized construction company. One of my first projects was to design & implement a centralised purchasing system. This would replace the existing decentralised system of individual sites all over the country buying their own materials. The objective was to save 3% of the €25m per annum spent on materials.
Read MoreRestaurant Review: Etto, Merrion Row, Dublin 2.
This is not a restaurant review blog.... for a few reasons. Mostly, because there are lots already out there and I don't think the world needs another one. Also, I have a lot of friends in the industry and I work with several restaurants, so in order to maintain those relationships, I think it's wise to leave the reviewing to others.
Read MoreIs the customer always right?
The short answer to this is yes. Except for when they're wrong.
Read MoreDo restaurants get a raw deal from the media?
The Next Big Thing
I've seen lots of food trends come and go. From the 90's penchant for CalMed i.e tall food, pesto, sun dried tomatoes and tapenade to the current leaning towards foraged ingredients and new Nordic cuisine.
Read MoreThe Ten Commandments of Good Service
Most people will forgive problems with their food if the service is excellent, few will be as forgiving if the reverse applies.
Read MoreSo you want to open a restaurant....?
The fact is that the restaurant business is extremely difficult, even for experienced operators. Rank amateurs stand little or no chance.
Read MoreMy Top 5 Favourite Menu Items
I had a little whinge in the last post about menu items which make my heart sink so I though it only right in the interest of balance to get the positives out there too.
Read MoreTop 5 Pet Peeves on Restaurant Menus
I love it when I open a restaurant menu and know straight away that the chef is trained, serious about what he or she does, and likely to send some good cooking my way in the near future
Read MoreAre you allergic to food intolerances?
Talk to anyone in the restaurant business and they will tell you about the explosion in food intolerances over the last few years
Read MoreDon't be a hidden gem
I get a lot of feedback from restaurateurs about the challenges they face on a day to day basis trying to compete and grow in the current economic environment
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